Friday, May 31, 2013

Wolf Pack Continued...

Okay as promised more of the story of the wolf pack.

       When I left off I was setting up the pack and the members of the pack for you. Well now that we are acquainted with the pack (to a degree) let's talk about what they do to those they see as a threat.  
Let me start by telling you I observed the pack devour and toss out a pack member when I first got there but against my instinct I thought that maybe just maybe she did something wrong to them to make them hate her so much.  The truth is no she didn't, she just dressed too nice and was too eager to do her job. I realized later that they just do the bare minimum and she was going to make them look bad by actually doing work. You will notice this a lot in different environments, no one wants to look bad when they know they are doing the bare minimum and then someone comes along that reminds them they could be doing more. Now keep in mind the person never actually has to say that the other people are not doing enough, their own guilt makes them think this and they do not like thinking about it, so if the person who actually works were not there anymore they could go back to their happy ignorance and not think about what they are not doing.
        Also keep in mind that most wolf packs are lead by a woman but oddly a man is the owner or CEO in companies. In families although there is a man who probably should be the pack leader it's often a woman who is an alpha and the man is a beta.  Usually these men are either clueless to the fact that these women are devouring others in the pack or they know and are too afraid to say or do anything about the slaughter of these innocent pack members.
            Okay back to the story. These women managed to purposely sabotage this woman, withhold information she needed to succeed in her duties, and for lack of a better word bully this woman. I later found out that they were trying to make her hate it so much that she would quit. This is a tactic that like a wolf pack involves an all out attack on the pack member by all members of the pack. First the pack leader signals the pack, they are an organized killing machine. They stalk the prey,  they surround the prey, they tease the prey as a fear tactic. This allows them to wear the prey down and attack from all sides.     
               The attacks are often like watching Animal Planet. Picture it the pack surrounds a baby zebra, they circle the zebra looking for any signs of weakness or an open spot to attack. The pack leader starts the hunt nipping at the zebras legs as the zebra is running as fast as it's little legs will allow it to move. The pack joins in from all sides with attack after attack hitting the zebra from every direction. The zebra doesn't know where to look, which side to protect, what to do. This frenzy is intentional it leaves the zebra open to attack. The zebra tries to get away until it is too injured and too weak to keep going. Bleeding from numerous bites, tired and scared the zebra is taken down by several member of the pack and devoured quickly.
                    That is what it was like to watch this woman as she was devoured by the pack. I heard them talk about her and what she was wearing that day. I heard the comments about how she really doesn't need to be doing work out of work. " She's trying too hard", "Did you see those shoes? I wouldn't wear that out. Who does she think she is Angelina Jolie?"  I then saw them sabattoge her work, making sure she was "misplacing" things, making it seem like she forgot things, and getting attitude any time she asked for anything.

                      I had seen this before and I knew that helping only lead to you becoming the next victim. I convinced myself that she must have deserved it, she MUST have done something to them that would make them do this to her everyday. I know she didn't, and I know it is wrong to stand by but the thing you have to realize is that most of us especially women just end up standing by or we become apart of the pack. Ohh we think every once in a while how wrong it is but we let that be a fleeting thought and we keep doing it because who wants to be on the other end of a wolf pack.

Okay for now that is enough of the story but believe me it is far from over this is just the beginning of a long story/stories.

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